Want to avoid spam or calls from unknown numbers on WhatsApp? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to silence unknown callers on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is not just a popular social media. With this, we can share text, photos or video privately. And many people prefer this social media for its end-to-end encryption policy.

As WhatsApp is so popular, spammers target this messaging app.

Many times spam or calls from unknown numbers will appear on your WhatsApp. And if you receive it then maybe you might fall victim to a scam or get disturbed on your necessary Working time.

To better the user’s experience, WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that will automatically silence calls from unknown numbers. Later you can see the history of that call or get a notification.

These features are available in the stable version of WhatsApp for both Android and iPhone devices. If you would like to know how to activate this feature, please stick to the step-by-step instructions below.

How to silence unknown callers on WhatsApp Android

  • First, open the WhatsApp application.
  • Select the Settings option by tapping on the three-dot icon at the top right.
  • Tap on the Privacy option.
  • Then select the calls option.
  • Enable the toggle button next to the “Silent Unknown callers” option.
how to silence unknown callers on whatsapp

After enabling this option, whenever you receive a call from an unknown number on your WhatsApp, it will be automatically silent, the history of which you can check in the call history or notification.

To turn off the option, follow the same steps and disable the toggle button.

How to silence unknown callers on WhatsApp iPhone

  • Open WhatsApp.
  • Tap on the settings option at the bottom right corner.
  • Select privacy.
  • Tap on the calls option.
  • Enable the toggle button next to the “Silence Unknown Callers“.


Below are some questions related to “Silence unknown callers” on WhatsApp. So I added them in this article for my readers.

How do I stop receiving unknown calls on WhatsApp?

If you don’t want to receive unknown calls on WhatsApp then enable the new feature silence unknown caller option of WhatsApp. You can enable this option very easily by following the steps that I already discussed.

Does silence unknown callers work on WhatsApp?

Yes! Now it is available on the stable versions of WhatsApp on both platforms Android and IOS.

How to stop unknown calls on WhatsApp without blocking?

You can stop unknown calls on WhatsApp without blocking by enabling the features to silence unknown calls.

Final word

I hope you are enjoying this step-by-step guide tutorial related to how to silence unknown callers on WhatsApp. By enabling these features, you can stay away from spam calls or calls from unknown numbers.

If you found this tutorial helpful then please share it with your friends and on social media. And if you have any questions related to this topic or WhatsApp then please feel free to comment below. Follow us on Google News for the latest updates.